Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

At Yorkshire Netball, while we define equality, diversity and inclusion as fundamental principles, we recognise that it's the ethos of social justice within and through Netball that truly underpins our work.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Equality ensures that everyone has the same opportunities, diversity celebrates the unique contributions of each individual and inclusion creates a sense of belonging for all. However, it's the application of these principles within the broader context of social justice that drives our efforts.

Social justice in Netball means actively challenging inequities, dismantling barriers and advocating for fairness both on and off the court. It involves addressing systemic issues of discrimination, privilege and access to resources to create a more equitable playing field for all participants.

Through our counties, wider partnerships and advocacy efforts, we strive to make Netball a vehicle for positive social change. By embracing the principles of social justice, we aim to create a sport where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances.

View England Netball’s Diversity and Belonging policy